Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm at work! You can't stop me from posting!

One last post for the day (or potentially hour based on my impulsion). I just wanted to document my extreme worship of Mioke. As an artist, Mioke does everything. Painting, drawing, comics, music, sculpture, street art, sewing… She basically does everything I want to do and then has the audacity to do it way better than I could ever hope to. On top of that she has a website that is bad to the bizone and could keep you busy for hours. Check it here. A couple samples below:
More pictures!

From mister Copeland of Black Dice.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I posted this video on FG today and I think it is really great. I love a good music vid, and little kids with trashy haircuts.
I tried to select just my favorite ones, but it was too hard, so prepare for a long post of fun imagery by Relleno Del Moro.

I can't wait to make videos like this in a few years.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mel Kadel

Nick is really digging Ryan McLennan

I read a grafic novel called Three Shadows by Ceril Pedrosa and now I am in love with his illustrations.
Seripop is one of my favorite printmaking companies